Sunday 9 December 2012

False democratie

- Tell us what hurts, and we offer you the right medicine.
- Tell us about your problems and we, together with you, we find the best solution for solving them.
- It gives you the opportunity to be irreplaceable.

Kind words democracy sounds of everyday life.
- "You're close, help you with we'll be fine ..."
But at what price?
Is their solution is the best?
Or it's principle, who has money and power is right?

Yes, the price is paid with a vengeance.
Daily to produce, you have to return, to be stirred constantly to assert yourself by anything is possible. Even if it is painful.
You and Americanized with all kinds of dead-line sites, target sites to be made, with not too high pricing.

Actually induce you "this is" and let yourself be manipulated.
At a headache but a walk outdoors or room ventilation may be the solution.
Your eyes hurt? Maybe you spent too much computer eyes.
But because time is money, "we offer you drugs". Save time.

If you tell them your problems and higher risk to have problems.
Means that you can not detach from them and did not mind free. Your judgment is dark.

It has invested in you. You agreed to be the entrance mat, make up and washing cloth. Or be thrown like a broken tooth.

P.S. (Vote the best. Anyone who involves emotional, familial and show their devotion to all.)
You do not have to be you.
This is a pamphlet. For adverse reactions, see a cigarette and coffee. Quietly, so maybe we can see things differently.

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